Just when everyone at home were making plans for the upcoming Eid-ul-Fitr celebration, she decided to skip the year's occasion, just so that her son can cherish the holy celebration with her, in the foreign land of the UK. So that she could make him her own version of lemangs, rendang and kuah kacang that her son has been sorely missing for so long.
I remembered telling myself a few years ago that when I grow up, have my own job and a secured life, I want to look after my mom. I want to give her the love and care she deserves, like the times when she took care of me ever since I was a small kid. Yet, Allah certainly has His own plans.
26 years has passed on, a grown-up adult I may be now, yet I am still reliant on my mom just like during the times when I was a little child. Suffering from cancer has made me feel just like a baby yet again, given the amount of care my mom puts on me.
When my itchiness gets unbearable, mom will always be there to apply some cream and scratch on my back just so to provide some relief.
When I feel unwell and tired, mom would sit next to me, placing her tender hands on my forehead, her body language telling me that things will be alright.
When my coughs get so violent that I get really frustrated and despaired, mom just approaches, providing that hug I badly needed to keep me strong.
And the list goes on.
Whenever mom has to go out of KL for work purposes, I would usually come along. I would either be her driver, or accompany her on the plane. If the travel is by plane, mom would take the hassle to buy an extra ticket. Over the last few months, we've made those journeys together to quite a number of places in the country; Langkawi, Kuantan, Seremban, Melaka and Genting Highlands, to name a few.
I would come along whenever mom is away solely because mom is the best person to look after this 26-year old 'boy'. She knows what foods are best for me, my do's and dont's, and what to do whenever I have my so-called 'difficult times'. In a way, I am kind of looking forward to our next trip together, waiting for my mom to announce her next work out of Kuala Lumpur.
Sometimes I wonder where mom gets the energy, patience and strength to persevere in looking after me. Ask anyone looking after a cancer patient and you'll understand why. Mom would also make sure that she never puts up an angry face in front of me, keeping check of my emotions. She understands how pivotal it is for a cancer patient not to get entangled into a lot of stress and anger.
I'm not exactly sure why I have penned this thoughts down, but I just feel the strong urge to show my deepest appreciation to my mom. My guardian. The one person in life I know will never disappoint. The one person I know who will always provide me with that unconditional love, through the thick and thin. To everyone out there, love your mom and NEVER ever break their heart. Tell them, in your own way, that you love them and that you will never trade your mom with anything in this entire world.
Such a beautiful entry - it is capable of bringing a tear even to the most insensitive eye...
you're lucky that have a big chance to be with your mom, rather than me who is far away from family since 13 years old. Going back home once a year only to look after them. Allah bless you and your mom. amin.
Alhamdulillah..dgn updatenya blog ini,sy merasakan Dr dalam keadaan yang baik dan sihat..Alhamdulillah juga kerana Dr mempunyai seorang ibu yang begitu tabah..Sy turut bangga dgn mama Dr..Sesungguhnya ibu bapa xkan membiarkan anak2 dlm kesakitan,kesusahan mahupun kesempitan,merekalah insan yg plg dibarisan hadapn membntu sedaya mungkin..Masih sy igt lgi 2 thun lepas apabila kakak dan adik prmpuan sy menghadapi sejenis penyakit yang x dpt dikesan dgn kepakaran doktor,ibu lah org yg paling tabah dan berusaha mengubati penyakit kakak dan adik,bekerja siang dan malam..Namun stelah penyakit kakak dan adik sembuh,abah pula dijemput oleh Allah..Ibu terus tabah..Sy mendoakan agar diri ini menjadi tabah setabah org yg tabah spt ibu sy dan juga mama Dr..InsyaAllah..
Semoga Dr cepat sembuh,bolehlah berjasa untuk ibu bapa pula..InsyaAllah =) ..Ms Siti
Mas. saya sayang umi saya.
tapi saya dah kecewakn dia.
wpun dia cakap dia tak kisah tp saya tahu, mesti dia kecewak kan mas?
saya pelajar perubatan tetapi fail satu paper menyebabkan saya tak boleh naik tahun.
saya kecewa. sedih.
tapi parents saya tak pernah salahkan saya.
saya sayangakn mereka Mas.
jom kite same2 mendoakan yang terbaik buat mereka Mas.
dan doa saya iAllah sentiasa mengiringi Mas juga :)
sekadar ingin berkongsi satu perubatan alternatif yangs aya gunakan. teknik self-healing dan relaksasi. miraculously, our bodies have the capacity of self-healing, and i am using this opportunity extensively.
alhamdulillah, setakat ini bila demam dan batuk, saya hanya ambil medication seminimum mungkin dan trust my body and inner cells to fight the illness.
sebelum ini, jika demam dan batuk, batuk saya akan berlarutan berminggu hingga berbulan-bulan. alhamdulillah, sekarang selepas sehari dua akan beransur pulih.
maaf, sukar untuk saya terangkan kaedahnya dengan lengkap di sini. tetapi, saudara mas afzal dan sesiapa yang berminat boleh add saya di facebook : Nur B Tapri.
secara ringkasnys, teknik ini mengambil manfaat dari alpha brain state, ataupun keadaan relaksasi. sangat mudah dan ringkas
insha-Allah, sesiapa yang berminat, saya boleh berkongsi step by step mengikut keperluan masing-masing.
Naluri sebagai ibu, I know it coz' I'm a mother myself. Cherish every moment of it Afzal...Mom is always the best!
salam, indeed ur mum n my mum is a great person..my mum di-poligamikan n dapat madu yang suka mengadu domba, hasad dengki..sama ada dia datang rumah serang mak atau panggil kami anak2 mak ni kerumah dia atau mengadu kat arwah abah..sudahnya mak yang kena marah..tapi mak tetap sabar..tak penah bela diri..walau makan hati berulam jantung..bcos of that she started to change slowly from soft spoken,kind-hearted to a more defensive person..but whatever it is, my mum is a great person; there r circumstances y she changed like that..
>>smoga doktor Mas cepat sembuh..
>>smoga Allah terus beri kekuatan pada ibu doktor dn ahli keluarga yg lain untuk melalui semua ini..
>>nice entry, im touched with ur mum pure love..hope to have that strength n love toward others..
salam...setiap penyakit ada penawarnya..Al-Quran itu as-syifa' bagi setiap penyakit..dan pnyakit adalah satu dugaan utk menguji kita manusia yang lemah ini, tabahkah
lah hati dan redha
setiap dugaanNYA..
Sesungguhnya Allah
bersama-sama org yg sabar..
InsyaAllah...smoga cepat sembuh..yakin dengan kuasaNYA dan banyakkan doa..kerana doa adalah senjata kita dan mendekatkan kita denganNYA...insyaAllah...
~hamba Allah~
ibu yg paling memahami kite...sayangi ibu sblm menyayangi org lain...smoga terus menjadi ank yg soleh... gurl_zack01@yahoo.com
tears falling down...~
Salam. Speechless. Sungguh terharu. Betullah pepatah, "kasih ibu membawa ke syurga". Please continue to be strong. Hopefully my special son, Irfan will be as strong as you are. InsyaAllah. And me, hope to be strong as ur mom. InsyaAllah.
salam bro....moga terus kuat yea
Ya Allah. Saya sgt sayu membaca blog ini sbb saya pun mempunyai seorang ibu yg sanggup berkorban seperti ibu penulis. 3thn dulu saya disahkan menghidapi SLE. Keadaaan sgt teruk hingga saya lumpuh separuh badan, kemurungan dan xmampu brgerak mcm org dewasa. Mcm penulis sy jd bayi semula. Tp MAK (Zaiton bt Mohd Saaid) yg jaga saya, mandikan saya, suapkan saya, tukarkan lampin saya dan brtahan dengan ragam saya setiap hari sehingga kini saya pulih dan sudah pun boleh hidup mcm org normal, menghabiskn pengajian dan sudah pun brkerja sbgai guru (mengikut jejak mak =) ). Jd sy sgt memahami perasaan penulis terhadap IBU. Selayaknya SYURGA wanita segagah ini.
semoga ibumu terus kuat dalam menghadapi dugaan. Moga Mas sihat-sihat selalu. Sungguh terharu dengan pengorbanan seorang ibu. Bukan semua org mampu menghadapinya. Hanya mereka yg benar-benar tabah dan sabar boleh melaluinya. Ku titipkan doa buat kamu sekeluarga.. Amin..
wow....sgt terharu..pd mulanya sy juz baca kat i luv islam..mula2 bc rasa cam karya kreatif...tp x sangka ia realiti...Subhanallah..perkongsian yg sgt bermakna...smg Allah permudahkan sgl urusn..sy ada gak pengalaman cam awk..ms kecik2 sy ada asthma yg kronik..sekali dtg mmg berbulan x g skola..mcm awk, ms tu mak sy la yg jg..tp bila asthma sy da ok, Allah ambik harta paling berharga yg DIA pinjamkan...my beloved mom...
I'm a mother of 5 between 19 and 6.
Your mum shows a lot of strenght and patience.I pray that I can be like her to my children.
as for ur cancer,I heard of a place in Sungai Buloh called PUSRATU (Pusat Rawatan Tanpa Ubat).
Why don't you go and check it out?
Its worth trying.
saya mmg zero klo ckp psl medical.. dn tiada kata yg boleh sy kluarkan sbb awk lebih kuat dn lbih hebat dri sy dn kebanyakkan insan lain yg masih dikurniakan ksihatan yg baik.. pd sy.. awak lbih kenal erti sabar.. awk lebih kenal erti syukur... sy sedar sy xlayak ntuk brckap tntang pnykit awk.. ALLAH dn awk je yg tahu.. tp atas asbab pnykit ni, awk dpt mcm2 kurniaan dr ALLAH.. awk dpt rasa kasih syg ibu yg xbertepi.. awk dpt motivate others dgn kisah hidup awak.. seboleh mungkin awk penuhi hidup awk dgn bnd2 brmkne sbb awk sedar... 1 saat nnt awk akn tinggalkn sume ni untuk menghadap ALLAH... ALLAH, iaitu Tuhan yang berikan awk sakit ni sbgai salah 1 takdir trbaik dlm hidup awk sbb sy prcye stiap apa yg jdi pd kite adlh yg trbaik buat kite sbb ALLAH is the best and ALLAH know's what's the best for us.. sy hormat awak sbb awak msih tetap jalankan tugas sbgai khalifah dibumi dgn berbekalkan nafas yg masih diberi pd awak.. jgn brhenti brharap dn brdoa pd ALLAH.. mngkin ini caranya ALLAH mentarbiyah awak.. pcyelah ALLAH sgt syg pd awk.. dn ALLAH lbih tau definisi sayang... truskan prjuangan mu wahai khalifah ALLAH.. Moga syurga mnjadi destinasi mu kelak.. Ya ALLAH..Kau berikan SEMANGAT,KETABAHAN dan KEKUATAN kpd saudaraku ini seperti yang telah Kau berikan kpd Nabi Ayub sewaktu Nabi Ayub mnghadapi ujian kesakitan...YA ALLAH kau kuatkan prjuangan kami ntuk tetap terus melaksanakan amanahmu iaitu untuk beribadah dan menjadi khalifah di bumi-Mu ini....titipkan salam pd bidadari duniamu... ^_^
salam mas...tabahkan hati untuk menghadapi segala ujian & dugaan dpd ALLAH swt ini.setiap apa yg ALLAH turunkan pasti ada hikmahnya.hanya DIA shj yg maha mengetahui...tabahkan hati, tingkatkan kesabaran & sentiasa dekatkan diri kpd ALLAH swt yg menciptakan kita.
saya sekeluarga sentiasa mendoakan agar awk sembuh seperti sedia kala
assalam dr.
moga2 dr cepat2 sembuh.
i've read your writing on iluvislam.com
my mothers one of the strongest woman in my life.
thanks for sharing.
: )
i like this entry de most..
Salam l'm your silent reader...sekadar information..cuba adik [Dr.]Mas berubat di KG SESEPAN BATU REMBAU di BERANANG SELANGOR;Namanya PAK ZABIR..cubalah usahakan..semuga diizinkan Allah SWT sembuh sepenuhnya dan dapat berbakti pada masyarakat...Kakak.
Salam Afzal, this is a very touching entry.. it would remind us how grateful we are to have a loving mother beside us through ups & downs. Hope u are coping well.. take care my dear friend.
Salam..semoga saudara cepat sembuh.. kuatkan hati untuk menghadapi segala dugaan..:)
Dear Dr.Mas Afzal...
l'm your silent reader...
Your mum shows a lot of strenght and patience...
Speechless. Sungguh terharu. Betullah pepatah, "kasih ibu membawa ke syurga". Please continue to be strong....
Cherish every moment of it, Dr. Afzal...
Mom is always the best!!!
Insya Allah I'll always praying for ur health..
stumbled upon your blog by accident. been hooked since!
really admire your strength.
I pray things will get better for you..
Salam ziarah,
betapa ALLAH sayangkan Dr Mas, dikurniakan ujian kesihatan daripadaNYA tetapi Alhamdulillah ujian tersebut lebih mendekatkan diri Dr Mas kepada ALLAH SWT...
betapa ramai orang di luar sana yang ALLAH berikan ujian kesihatan, ada yang lebih jauh daripada ALLAH malah selalu menyalahkan takdir kenapa dirinya yang jadi begitu dan begini...
Moga ALLAH mengurniakan kesabaran kepada kita dalam apa jua ujian yang ALLAH berikan. sama ada ujian kesenangan atau kesusahan menjadikan kita lebih dekat dengan ALLAH SWT...AMIN ya RABB...
insyaALLAH didoakan Dr Mas sembuh kembali seperti biasa. insyaALLAH, tiada yang mustahil di sisi ALLAH jika Dia menginginkan begitu.Amin...
silent reader =)
Dr Mas Afzal, semoga cepat sembuh.
La takhof wala tahzan.
"Fa iza maridhtu fahuwa yashfin"
Allahlah yg akan menyembuhkan segalanya dengan kehendakNya insyaAllah.
Doa org2 mukmin bersama nta..
Terima kasih kerana menjadi yang menguatkan kami.
Be strong. Ummah perlukan lebih ramai Dr mcm nta...
-Ukhtukum fillah.
Adik Dukturah
"Dr yang berjiwa besar".
Smg sgl kesabaran dan kecekalan hati di hitung sbg pahala korban di sisi Allah.
insyaAllah...all de best..Allah always there 4 u and your loving mom...
Salam bro, pertama sekali aku nak ucap selamat menyambut maal hijrah. kedua, aku doakan semoga kau bertambah pulih dan semoga dugaan Allah yang ko dapat ni bakal mengangkat darjat di dunia dan akhirat, amin..
salam mas? ko cam mana? hopefully sihat sejahtera.. aku ni ghani.. sabar lah ye.. orang2 sheffield Insyallah sentiasa mendoakan anda...
so touching....
be strong! :')
Saya cuma ingin maklumkan keadaan Afzal setakat ini.
Saya bawa Afzal ke Hospital Ampang pada hari Khamis, 2/12/2010 kerana risau demamnya tak baik2. Sampai di Emergency Department, doktor kata BP Afzal is very low, dia dehydrated dan demam n terus admitted.
Afzal's right lungs ada fluid dan infection. Jumaat malam, his condition was real bad. His BP crashed to 71/44 n doctor dah nak intubate him. But bila Pakar Anaes periksa, he decided to give him oxygen through the BiPap machine, with 100% concentration, because if he is intubated, he will be comatose n the doctor is not sure if he can come out of it afterwards. Alhamdullilah the oxygen plus loads of antibiotics worked n he pulled through. His BP improved. There were other scares throughout the management of his condition, but he got through them so far.
Alhamdullillah, his infection is slowly gone, eventhough not altogether yet, but he is still weak n in hospital.
I would like to thank everyone who came to visit him...some saw him at his worst, others were lucky to catch him when he was so much better. I would also like to thank everyone who could'nt visit but who prayed for his recovery....I believe all those du'as helped.
Afzal may not be able to update his blog for quite a while so I will fill in for him once in a while....Mama Afzal.
P/S: Afzal selalu pesan "kalau masa saya tidor ada kawan saya datang, mama tolong kejutkan ok....saya nak jumpa diaorang semua" -
Afzal can't wait to go home, but I'm not sure when that's going to happen. If his condition continues to improve, maybe next week he can leave the hospital.
May him be under the Care and Protection of Allah swt
salam. i started to know bout this blog when your article published in ILI. I admire your words of strength so much since then.
saya tahu awak seorg yang kuat, walau di saat awak terasa sgt lemah... teruskan, dan bersemangatlah.. Allah sayang kamu, dan memandang ketabahan kamu, dr. Insyaallah.
proud of u, (plus your mum too)..
Thanks Mama Afzal for the update. Saya doakan semuga Afzal cepat sembuh.
Just heard that our beloved and dear friend/brother/son mas has just very recently in last few hours departed from this finite dunya, to finally meet his creator?
Can anyone confirm? (English please)
Innallilah. Al fatihah.
allahumma firglahu warhamhu wa'afihi wa'fu'anhu
Innalillah.... Dr Mas Afzal has returned to rahmatullah in Hospital Ampang today and will be leaid to rest in Bentong later after Zohor.Al-Fatihah.....
semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama org2 sholeh.amiin~
jadikan kata2nya sbg semangat kita.
jgn biarkan dia 'hilang' bersama jasadnya.
'hidup'kan dia dgn kita menceduk ilmu & pengajaran yg dia kongsi bersama kita.
amanlah dikau disana.
I never knew him personally, never even met him before, but I heard from so many of my friends how great n lovely a person Mas Afzal was. I teared up reading this. My salam and prayers to his family, his mother especially. al-fatihah, may Allah bless him and his family.
Innalillah Wa Inna Ilaihi Raaji'uun
alfatihah ...
moga roh kamu di tempatkan di langan org2 yg beriman ....
Al-Fatihah. I only dropped by here a few times before because it is just too heart-wrenching to read. But today I saw his UK friends tweeted about his departure I felt compelled to come visit this blog again.
Be strong and take care auntie. Insya-Allah, he is in a better place now..
Takziah buat keluarga Mas, semoga terus kuat dan tabah, dan semoga roh beliau ditempatkan di kalangan orang2 yang soleh.
He is such an inspiration for others, always have and always will.
Innalillahi, wainnailaihi raji'un.
Al-Fatihah untuk mas afzal. semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat..
salam takziah untuk keluarga..
Takziah kepada keluarga Dr Mas Afzal..Semoga rohnye dicucuri rahmat..Al-Fatihah..
I remember the last words uttered just before we last visited the night before he left the uk, 'if we do not meet again in this dunya we may meet in jannah inshallah'
Indeed the news of the death of my dear friend and class mate of 5 years (at Medical school) has brought great sadness yet Also comfort in the hope that inshallah he is now in much better place free from any pain, inshallah.
Having known Mas for the last 5 years studied together, lived together during some part of the final year and thus spent a lot of time together with him. I must confess how great of a person he was. Avery softly spoken person, who never offended anyone through his action or speech.he would always be there to helo and support whenever required. A regular attendee of the local Muslim welfare house and until his recent ill health would regularly make the long and steep journey from his house in Filey street to masjid even all alone in the. Early hours of the morning.
Even during this illness of his when talki g to him I remeber how strong willed he was always sayinh how ill health is a blessing from Allah and expiation from sins'and would bring a smoke to people around him who were disheartened by his illnesss yet never show any discontent or complian about his illness. He had such great trust and faith in the hands of Allah subhanallah.
I remeber the last text he sent me from Heathrow before departing to Malaysia 'zul it was such great pleasure to have known you over the last few years and will never forget you'
indeed mas it was great pleasure to have known you to have spent time with you and you have left this finite dunya you will always be remebred today and forever.
May Allah have mercy on your soul and grant you one of the highest makams in jannah. May he allow us to meet once again in jannt uk firdaus and may Allah give his family in particular his mother sabr at this tragic hour.
Mas gone today but tyou will be remembered forever and we may soon meet again, in the gardens of jannah.
Request for duas.
Your dear brother in islam
Zulqarnain Akhtar (z.akhtar@doctors.org.uk)
Innalillahi Wa innailahiraji'un.
Al-Fatihah to Arwah Mas Afzal.
Insha-Allah he is now in a lot better place without pain. May Allah grants him the place he always deserves. Amin.
Takziah to the whole family members and friend.
al fatihah buat mas..moga keluarga arwah tabah menghadapi dugaan ini..
moga arwah ditempatkan di kalangan org beriman..:(
Takziah dan salam utk keluarga. Nukilan beliau di dalam blog ini adalah semangat kepada sahabat lain yang bertarung dengan dugaan yang sama. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya dan semoga diberikan kekuatan kepada keluarganya menghadapi ketentuan Allah. Alfatihah.
Innalillahi Wa innailahiraji'un
May Allah bless your soul and place you among the mukminin
May we all be united in His jannah
I never knew you yet you have been such an inspiration to me
May Allah bless your soul akhi Mas..
your stories will always be our inspiration. Thanks a lot for sharing :)
Al Fatihah.
Al Fatihah..moga tuan punya blog ini di tempatkan bersama org2 yg beriman...
Takziah untuk family mereka.
Kita patut belajar dari kekekuatan semangat allahyarham...
condolences to the family of Allahyarham Mas Afzal
old classmate n friend from sk tanjung aru 1
Malam tadi aku tidak berapa dapat tidur sehinggalah hampir pukul 1.00 pagi baru terlelap. Sekitar pukul 3.30 pagi terdengar bunyi SMS dari telefon bimbit di sebelah. Aku terus melihat mesej, tertera nama Masafzal. Hati berdetik kenapa pula dapat mesej waktu dinihari dari Masafzal. Alangkah sedihnya bila diberitahu oleh abangnya, yang empunya telefon telah kembali ke rahmatullah wa barakatuh. Sehingga subuh tidak dapat melelapkan mata terkenang kembali ketika bersama-samanya di UK menggerakkan tugasan dakwah. Aku terus membalas mesej itu mengucap takziah, dengan yakin aku menyebut InsyaAllah beliau ditempatkan bersama-sama golongan salihin.
Kind request if possible can people please post in english. As a lot of Mas's friends from uk who keep up to date with the blog do not understand Malay.
al faatihah...n ta'ziah to Dr Mas's family
Salam. I just knew about this. I'm a silent reader and as I read this entry and all the comments that follow, my tears just came pouring down on its own :')
Semoga rohnya ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh. Amin. Al-Fatihah.
we met only twice in kyuem,
having read your blog, known you personally, heard abt ur struggle abt ur health cndition, n how u still keep ur faith in Allah,,It's jz so sad n speechless hearing abt you departed this life.
indeed u're no different from other syuhada' or muslim scholar, who died but lived in everyone's memory.
innalillah, al-fatihah
never read this blog when u r alive.. i just know after ur death.. sangat sedey bila baca perkataan dari org yg dah xder.. semoga berbahagia disana... T_T
Mas Afzal passed away at 2.24am, 18th December, 2010. His papa, brother Andi, sisters Aiysha n Atiqah,uncle Shahrir n me were with him till he breathed his last. He was intubated and n in an induced coma from about 1pm the day earlier because he was having difficulty breathing n his Blood Pressue was getting very low.
Since he was admitted to the Ampang Hospital on December 2nd, he did not get any good night's sleep. Now, he can rest and wait for me n all of us to join him.
I thank Allah for letting me borrow him for the last 26 years. I am also thankful that Allah has given me n my family the opportunity to take care of him while he was in hospital.
Many of his friends visited him in hospital n he could recognise them all, even during the times when he was in a confused n sometimes delirious state because of the infection he suffered n the pure oxygen he was given.
He told me to make sure to wake him up if any of his friends came to visit. "I want to acknowlege their presence", he said. Actually I was surprised he could recognise all his friends who came despite the fact that he sometimes forgot that he was in hospital. At the end of visiting hours, I would ask him about his friends who came and he would describe to me who those friends are, what they were studying, how they met, what activities they have done together n so on. I could see he loved all his friends a lot.
I would always test him to see his state of mind by asking who I am..."Mama", he would always answer. Afzal did not sleep at all the whole night on Thursday and was either reciting versus from the Quran, performing prayers or doing the zikr thoughout the night.I think he was trying to sort things out in his head n said whatever came to mind n since Quran versus were always close to his heart, those versus were among the things he blurted out. I was tired just looking at him but helpless to do anything, other than hold his hand, massage his back n stood by his side n by the graces of Allah, I did not feel sleepy at all thoughout that night. By morning he was exhausted and all my efforts to make him stop n rest failed. The last hour before he was intubated, I kept testing him to see if he is still able to recognise me. Three times I asked him who I was. He would stop his blabbering and say "Mama".
N now, part of me is happy for him because he is no longer suffering but a larger part of me is missing him so much. My baby is no longer with me. I am no longer able to take care of him for he is now under a more capable carer.
I will always have the beautiful memories with Afzal, the moments together that only the two of us share...always.....Mama Afzal.
P/S Thank you all Afzal's friends who visited him in hospital or came to Bentong for his funeral. We decided to bury him in Bentong because that's where he was born n we chose a site right next to my mother, his grandmother to whom he was very close.
Mas Afzal passed away at 2.24am, 18th December, 2010. His papa, brother Andi, sisters Aiysha n Atiqah,uncle Shahrir n me were with him till he breathed his last. He was intubated and n in an induced coma from about 1pm the day earlier because he was having difficulty breathing n his Blood Pressue was getting very low.
Since he was admitted to the Ampang Hospital on December 2nd, he did not get any good night's sleep. Now, he can rest and wait for me n all of us to join him.
I thank Allah for letting me borrow him for the last 26 years. I am also thankful that Allah has given me n my family the opportunity to take care of him while he was in hospital.
Many of his friends visited him in hospital n he could recognise them all, even during the times when he was in a confused n sometimes delirious state because of the infection he suffered n the pure oxygen he was given.
He told me to make sure to wake him up if any of his friends came to visit. "I want to acknowlege their presence", he said. Actually I was surprised he could recognise all his friends who came despite the fact that he sometimes forgot that he was in hospital. At the end of visiting hours, I would ask him about his friends who came and he would describe to me who those friends are, what they were studying, how they met, what activities they have done together n so on. I could see he loved all his friends a lot.
I would always test him to see his state of mind by asking who I am..."Mama", he would always answer. Afzal did not sleep at all the whole night on Thursday and was either reciting versus from the Quran, performing prayers or doing the zikr thoughout the night.I think he was trying to sort things out in his head n said whatever came to mind n since Quran versus were always close to his heart, those versus were among the things he blurted out. I was tired just looking at him but helpless to do anything, other than hold his hand, massage his back n stood by his side n by the graces of Allah, I did not feel sleepy at all thoughout that night. By morning he was exhausted and all my efforts to make him stop n rest failed. The last hour before he was intubated, I kept testing him to see if he is still able to recognise me. Three times I asked him who I was. He would stop his blabbering and say "Mama".
N now, part of me is happy for him because he is no longer suffering but a larger part of me is missing him so much. My baby is no longer with me. I am no longer able to take care of him for he is now under a more capable carer.
I will always have the beautiful memories with Afzal, the moments together that only the two of us share...always.....Mama Afzal.
P/S Thank you all Afzal's friends who visited him in hospital or came to Bentong for his funeral. We decided to bury him in Bentong because that's where he was born n we chose a site right next to my mother, his grandmother to whom he was very close.
assalamualaikum aunt...
terima kasih atas info...
sgt2 menghargainya...
sayang dan doa untuk Mas Afzal
selagi nyawa ini msh dipinjamkan ALLAH...doa untuknya insyaALLAH tidak akan putus.....
salam mama Afzal....takziah saya ucapkan untuk semua keluarga..semuga banyakkan bersabar..semuga kasih sayang mama Afzal membawanya ke jannah...semuga Afzal ditempatkan bersama2 para tabii dan mendapat darjat yang teringgi disisi Allah SWT..AL-FATIHAH..silent reader..sister in islam
Salam mama afzal sekeluarga,
Salam takziah dan iringan doa saya titip buat Afzal dan keluarga.al fatihah.kenal arwah semenjak di sm la salle kk.sahabat yang banyak memberi inspirasi dan dorongan sehingga alhamdulillah, saya berjaya ke hari ini.periang,aktif beriadah (ragbi dan pengakap terutamanya) dan tidak pernah lupa untuk berkumpul dan berjumpa sekalipun beliau hanya balik ke tanah air utk tempoh masa yg singkat.insan yang hebat,cekal dan tabah.semoga Allah menempatkan rohnya di tempat selayaknya.amin.
Salam dari KK,
-yusmir yusop-
Kepada Mama Afzal dan keluarga, semoga terus bersabar meredhai pemergiannya. Seseorang mukmin yang meninggal dunia seperti yang disebut dalam sebuah hadis seumpama seorang yang keluar ke alam yang lebih luas. Dunia ini bagi seseorang beriman adalah seumpama penjara, maka kematian baginya adalah seperti seorang yang baru bebas daripada kesempitan penjara dunia. Seorang sahabat Rasulullah bernama Abu Darda' pernah ditanya, apakah yang kamu sukai diberikan kepada orang yang paling kamu sayangi. Beliau menjawab, aku suka orang yang aku sayangi diimpa kematian. Kerana kematian bagi seseorang beriman adalah kerehatan kepada susah payah di dunia dan pintu masuk untuk menikmati ganjaran baik dari Allah swt di alam baqa'. Sepanjang yang saya kenali beliau, insyaAllah beliau seorang yang mendapat keredhaan dan kasih sayang Allah swt. Amin. Semua kita akan ke sana juga akhirnya.
He has touched many many hearts, regardless those who have met him or those who has not. I haven't, yet his entries make one stop n think, reflect, and learn.
He is indeed much missed as evidenced by the emails circulated in various mailing lists in various countries.
insyaAllah, he is in a much better place now. may Allah put him amongst the Solihin.
n may Allah guide us to be as useful a human being as he was.
mama Afzal, u have raised a man, one of a kind.
my sincere condolescence
I ony got to know Mas for a couple of months, through my wife who knows him quite well.
From my short meetings with him I can see that he is a true fighter and takes the challenges he had positively. He has shown me the true meaning of difficulties and how to go through them. I will always remember his courage whenever I go trough the hard times as I know the challenges I go trough up to this point has never been as momentous as his
We were deeply said when we knew about his departure. And felt really bad as we wasnt able to visit him at the hospital. We tried 2 times to go after work but the traffic was hard for us to beat. Only then I knew that our effort wasnt strong enough to make it to see him
But Alhamdulillah we had the final chance of going to Bentong and witness the burial. The close to an hour journey must have been the most sad drives I had before..
Many family members and friends were indeed sadden. And finally he was laid to rest in what i believe to be a smooth one insyaAllah. Everything went on well (the help of the tractor) and we all departed wishing the best for each other..
I wasnt a close friend of Mas as I said earlier and I wished we could have spent more time knowing each other. Im sure to remember him as a real fighter, a dai'e and someone who trusted highly to Allah
May Allah accept Mas Afzal as one of the righteous and place him in Jannah in the hereafter, Amin
Takziah Mama Afzal & family, and Al-Fatihah untuk Arwah Afzal. Redha dengan pemergiannya, Insya'Allah arwah ditempatkan dikalangan para solehin. Kita semua bakal menyusul, lambat atau cepat, semuanya ditentukan Allah SWT. Yang pergi tetap pergi, yang tinggal, perjuangan masih perlu diteruskan...
Takziah kepada keluarga Dr Mas Afzal terutama mamanya yang tabah... Saya tidak mengenali Allahyarham, tetapi hari ini blognya saya baca selepas dia tiada untuk mengetahui lebih siapa dia dan penyakitnya. Biarkan blog ini di sini sebagai kenangan dan panduan... MasyaAllah, dia lahir untuk memberi manfaat even selepas kematiannya, semoga Allah tempatkan dia dikalangan orang beriman...Salam: Fatimah
I am sure jannah is the right place for him. He is humble and religious.
Z Kudus
Takziah buat Mama abg Mas afzal.. Moga ALLAH hadiahkan kalian sekeluarga suatu hadiah yg terindah... yakni dpt bersama2 berteduh di alam syurga, itulah kehidupan yg abadi, biizniLLAH~...
Adik kpd Abg Safuan, Mahirah Bt Abd Rashid.. also on behalf of keluarga sy...
Alfatihah to Mas Afzal and Takziah to the family.
InsyaAllah he will be in the best place. Thank you Mas Afzal .
I was a participant at HIJRI camp 2011, under Ustaz Hasrizal, and he gave us the news that almarhum passed away. I never knew almarhum mas afzal personally, but after reading his writing, I was very touched by his inner strength and acceptance. His acceptance of his illness and his love for Allah motivates me top be a better muslimah... Although unfortunately I'll never have the chance to thank him for making me realize the importance of life, I wish to offer my prayers and alfatihah for my brother in Islam.
Thank you for inspiring me, may his soul be blessed by Allah...
Doa saya agar Mama Afzal dan keluarga akan bertemu dengan Mas Afzal di jannahNya, biidznillah..
p/s: my tears rolled like water reading Mama Afzal's comment. my deepest condolence.
Semoga Arwah ditempatkan bersama orang-orang yang soleh. Amin
dari DIA kita datang, kepada DIA kita kembali..kehilangan seorang tentera islam yang amat dikagumi walaupun xpernah mengenali.dakwah beliau masih terasa di hati walaupun di saat saya membaca blog arwah, tuannya telah kembali menghadap ilahi.al-fatihah
salam takziah buat keluarga arwah..
ya Allah. takziah buat arwah. terharunya say membaca artikel terakhirnya disini. moga saya juga akan diberi satu ketabahan dalam cita cita menjadi seorang dr ini. moga ibu saya juga akan berbangga dengan anaknya ini sebagaimana bangganya ibu dr ini
Salam, Mama Afzal
Innalillahi wainna ilaihi rajiuun. Saya yakin Dr Afzal pulang ke rabbnya sebagai Nafs mutmainnah, diredhai dan meredhai.
Saya salut puan yang berjaya melahirkan dan membesarkan Allahyarham menjadi seorang hamba Allah yang disebut-sebut dengan ungkapan yang baik, yang menjadi sumber inspirasi kepada yang lain walaupun sudah tiada di dunia yang fana ini....dan yang tabah menghadapi cabaran, making lemonades out of the lemons that he got.
Mama Afzal,I am glad that afzal and you got to spend his last phase on this earth together, bonding, braving through the ups and downs, and making memories for you to remember him by. Semoga Allah memberi kekuatan kpd puan sekeluarga
Oh dear Lord, I found this blog after 4 days this wonderful man left his loved ones. The passions, the strengths and his humility touches my life in so many ways. I envy the spirit in you, may your spirit is placed amongst the chosen ones. Rest in peace, thank you for marking an important highlight in our lives.
lelaki melayu terakhir.. :)-
MasAfzal was the 3rd pers0n who i knew got the same disease like my late c0usin n my late juni0r (even i never met him pers0nally..and only a silent reader of his bl0g).. After a quite l0ng peri0d i didnt visit this bl0g c0z of my w0rks,my friend told me b0ut him n i was really sh0cked.even near to cry..
One of islam's str0ngest hero has g0ne, and we who still can receive a l0t of ni'mah fr0m allah please be str0ng as the heroes of islam!
To afzal's ummu,u had became a great m0m to afzal.n u hve a s0n who has became a g0od m0del to us. i wish tht i can be like u.
al fatihah.
mama Afzal,
takziah sya ucapkan.sehingga hari in saya masih terkejut dengan pemergian Allahyarham. Moga Allah sentiasa bersamanya..saya ingin jadi sepertinya..
saya mohon keizinan untuk link blog ini..syukran.
Doa kami sentiasa bersama Allahyarham dan keluarga,
Setiap kali baca blog ini, air mata pasti bergenang.. Kenapa org yg begitu hebat ini begitu cepat hilangnya di dunia ini. Tapi yg pasti Allah tahu yang terbaik..Kita yang masih hidup ayuh teruskan perjuangan!!!!!
Hasnidar bt Iskandar : Go ahead, gunalah blog ini untuk manafaat sesiapa sahaja yang sudi membacanya.
Its been 7 days since Afzal left us. I feel so sinfully/guilt-sticken free because I am no longer tied to the routine of taking care of Afzal. I no longer need to prepare his breakfast n lunch before I go off to work, rush home n brave the traffic jam in the evening so that I can have tea with him at home (eventhough we usually only have his green tea with peanut butter n jelly sandwich only because that's among the few snacks that he can have n like), stock organic stuffs for his meals...and so on. I miss all that n most of all I miss his smile everytime I come in through the door after a hard day's work...n being greeted to his "Assalamualaikum Ma..." n my first question to him would
be.."How r u today?"...He would reply.."OK!".
Thank you everyone for your kind words. I am so touched by how much he has made an impression on people that I begin to wonder what it is exactly that he has done to make so many people remember him such. Please share with me your experiences with him because I realise there is a part of his life that I have missed...the part that he shared with his friends!...Mama Afzal.
alhamdullilah terjumpa blog yg sgt inspiring ini...aunty org bentong di mana yer...me from bentong as well...
moga roh Afzal diletak dlm golongan org beriman..amin
salam alaykom,
I've never met him personally but honestly I feel so inspired by his faith! His struggle until the last breath was indeed a significant motivation to everybody. MashaAllah, he was the real man of faith! Allah bless this brother's soul, Ameen.
Zee : Rumah aunty di Kampung Bharu. Aunty memang dilahir dan dibesarkan di Bentong, bersekolah hingga Tingkatan 6 di Sekolah Menengah Sulaiman dan hanya keluar apabila masuk Universiti Malaya pada tahun 1976.
salam. takziah utk keluarga,.. al-fatihah kami kirimkan untuk dia di sana... utk ibu afzal, insyaallah.. Afzal menunggumu di syurga, Allah meyaksikan ibu afzal, seorg yg ibu terbaik utk 'pejuang' spt allahyarham
Im so touched by watching his video "last speech" on Youtube yesterday. The video was uploaded last year and I thought he is survive from the cancer. So I started to google his name "Mas Afzal" and I saw his blog. I understand he is gone at 17th. Innalillah... His blog really2 inspiring me. Eventhough i never knew him, but he was able to open our eyes on how beautiful life is, always be grateful and "redha" with what Allah has plans with us.
Takziah to all family members.
Assalamualaikum wt wb all and esp to Mas Afzal's mother,
Semuga diampunkan segala dosa arwah, diluaskan dan diterangkan kuburnya, dimudahkan penghisaban on the Day of Resurrection and be among the righteous in the highest of the heavens.Amin
Indeed arwah has made an impression on whoever reads the blog.
It is as though Allah is teaching us the Quran through him. And Allah is teaching us about Him through arwah.
Mama Afzal, perhaps you can share us your experiences raising him right from when you conceived him. InsyaAllah your experiences and your handling of him and your other kids would inspire the would be parents as to how to raise their kids in the future.
Intelligence is not about getting A's in the exams but it's knowing Allah's words, internalise them and apply them in our daily life. But Allah would select only sincere servants who would want to know Him and Mas Afzal has been an iconic example to us.
Kita mungkin seangkatan as you joined UM in 76 and I joined UM in 75 in the Med school.
Perhaps there are readers out there who could document Afzal's life. Mungkin boleh dibuat documentary and his message, stories and experiences could reach the public widely. This is especially important in the current scenarios where so many children are led astray.
You must be a great mom yourself as Allah has chosen him and blessed you and family with a righteous son. Not only is he intelligent academically but he is full of wisdom. And wisdom is only with Allah's guidance.
Assalamualaikum wt wb
Ani : Subhanallah, thank you very much for your kind words. I am not worthy of such praises really. I am sure many mothers out there are responsible for many many "Afzals" out there. But nevertheless, I agree that if anyone can benefit from Afzal's experiences, I would be more than happy to share.
For a start....I was 8 months pregnant with Afzal when my husband left for the United States to do his Masters degree. As I also have 2 other children - Afzal's 2 elder brothers, my husband decided that I we should move n stay with my parents in Bentong. I was then working in the Ministry of Culture, Youth n Sports in Wisma Keramat. Every morning I would take the 6am bus from Bentong that will take me to Pekeliling Bus Station. From there I will walk to Chow Kit area to get a taxi to Wisma Keramat in Jalan Gurney. In the evening, I would take the taxi or bus again to Jalan Pekeliling n take the bus home to Bentong. This went on for nearly 2 months before Afzal was born and as fate would have it, he was born in Bentong.....to be continued....
Waalaikumussalam wt wb,
He was already tested even in the womb! It must had been a trying time for you personally to travel from Bentong by bus to KL.( Those who have never experienced pregnancy you may refer to the Quran and hadith to learn the status of pregnant women; medically it's physically draining). Was there extra zikir or extra doa that you did during the pregnancy?
Assalamualaikum wbth,
I am indeed a blessed insan...Allah bestowed upon me strength n perseverence, readying me for what lies ahead. I did not practice any extra zikir or doa. At that time, I just took life one day at a time, concentrating on my work n family.
Eventhough I stayed with my mother n father, both of them were also working then. Somehow, between us (plus a younger sister who was not married yet then), we managed to look after my children. Every evening, my father n two young sons would wait for my bus by the roadside (my house is about 1km from the main road). And everytime I'm not on the 6.30pm bus, my mother would always think that I have given birth in KL. Actually it was because either I missed the 5.30pm bus or the bus was full n I had to wait for the next bus.
I never felt it was a burden, just an extra discomfort. I am so grateful that Allah made me a very domesticated person. I love being a wife n mother, with all the hassle of looking after a big family....mama Afzal.
dah agak aunty duk Kg. Baru...tanya mak, mak pon agak2 aunty org situ...me dr benus...
baca kisah aunty ni buat sy ok kuat semangat betui wanita...takjub sy!
Assalamualaikum wbth,
Betul Zee, aunty orang Kampung Bharu. Abah, Haji Mohamed Salleh, bekas guru, mak, Zaharah bt Samat, bekas Penolong Jururawat.
Kalau nak selamat dan berjaya kita kena ikhlas...bantu suami kena ikhlas, bantu anak kena ikhlas, bantu saudara pun kena ikhlas...insyaAllah berbaloi hikmahnya!
Salam Mama Afzal, takziah atas kehilangan Mas Afzal.. I'm one of his friend.. i met him & Jaffri when we played bowling during interschool tournament.. and then for a short period in Asasi Sains. We used to compare notes as I studied medicine too.. He was a great and wonderful person that we will always remember in our hearts & will be missed... Alhamdulillah he was blessed with a wonderful loving mother like u.. Takziah again. Hope that u'll be strong..take care Mama Afzal :)
Salam Mama Afzal
Takziah dari kami sekeluarga.
Sudah sebulan saya tertunggu2 update blognya. Saya fikirkan dia sudah beransur sihat setelah berjumpa Datuk Harun Din.
Teruskan menulis kisah Mas Afzal.
Saya tidak perlu berkata banyak kerana Puan mmg seorang yg istimewa.
Mama Ayim
(p/s Puan pernah memberi semangat kpd saya....T.kasih)
Dari Allah kita datang dan kepadaNya kita kembali. Moga ditempatkan bersama orang-orang soleh.
Tinggal kami pesakit kanser meneruskan perjuangan hidup ini. Moga kami tabah seperti Arwah.
Assalamualaikum wbth,
Mama Ayim:Puan juga amat tabah menajga Ayim. Saya doakan Allah kurniakan yang terbaik puan keluarga puan.
Azwa: Teruskan perjuangan sebagai doktor bagi pihak Afzal dan rakan2 doktor yang lain.
Zaini: Afzal sentiasa berusaha untuk menjalani kehidupan senormal mungkin walaupun menghadapi banyak cabaran. Saya doakan agar dipermudahkan segalanya buat saudara dan semoga kembali sihat.
Salam, mama Afzal & mama Ayim,
Both have you have long earned my respect for the sheer dedication and wholehearted mothering of your sons during the trying times. No doubt there are many of you out there, but when we get to read about it, you become our source of inspiration. Keep sharing....
I am reading this blog. and I believe Allah s.w.t want me to learn something here. May Allah bless you. Al fatihah.
a'kum mama Afzal.saya baru tahu kewujudan blog ini 3hari lepas dan habis membaca SEMUA entry dlm 2 hari.sangat berkesan,menyedarkan kita utk menerima takdir seadanya.arwah masih berdakwah walau sedang diuji.saya cadangkan semua catatan ini dibukukan dan hasil jualan diderma.moga pahala ilmu yang bermanfaat 'sampai' pada arwah.NLH.
takziah buat famili arwah...
saya kagum dgn smangat arwah...
semoga Allah tempatkan arwah b'sama org2 beriman, Ameen...
Salam~ I read this blog for the upteen times. Loves the comment wrote by mama afzal. Your unconditional loves for your family. Mudah-mudahan ilmu yang ditinggal allahyarham mas afzal adalah ilmu yang dimanafaatkan dan mendapat ganjaran dari Allah swt.
Salam, Mama Afzal.
I think Mama should create Mama's own blog so that u can share all your words, experiences & inspire others through it.I never knew arwah but when I went to Sheffield for a 3 months job attachment last august-oct and I heard arwah's name here & there. Everybody was talking about him! It seems like everybody in Sheffield was greatly inspired by him. Since then,I believe that Afzal must be a really special person. May ALLAH bless Arwah & Mama Afzal with His love&jannah. Ameen..
aunty...anak cikgu mat sallleh rite? sy kenal, rasanye satu famili sy kenal...tak sangka pemilik blog ni cucu cikgu matsalleh
agree with sis azreena
My deepest condolences to you and your family, puan. May Allah bless you and your family during this time and always.
He will always hold a place in my heart.
Assalamualaikum wbth,
Zee: Ya,auntie anak cik gu Salleh. Born n bred in Bentong, my beautiful hometown, where Afzal now rests.
Azreena: Maybe for a start I will continue to guest write in Afzal's blog. I only have a mother's words to share. I don't have Afzal's flair for relating it to relevant verses from the Quran. But, nevertheless, I will pen my experiences bringing up Afzal n my other 4 children, with the hope that it will benefit others,when I can find the right time, insyaAllah. Thank u for suggesting...mama Afzal.
Assalamualaikum wt wb Mama Afzal and all,
Been awhile reading the blog. Actually Mama Afzal, you had trained him with honesty and patience right when you conceived him. For many of us (me including) would find MCs and not coming to work especially so that you had to travel by bus from Bentong to KL. Even in your late pregnancy, you would travel daily to KL to work! That's something I would not do myself and many of us would also vouch for that.
Inilah yang dikatakan berkhidmat untuk bangsa, agama dan negara dengan ikhlas- which is difficult tu find sekarang.
We salute you Mama Afzal.
Reading through his writing you see an example of a young man described by Allah who's shaded by His 'Arash on the Day- him wanting to to the masjid even though he was not well.
Even through his sickness, he made possible for visitors to get the rewards from Allah. Many would refuse visitors but he would even want to be awakened when his friends came visiting. Pahala melawat orang sakit ni cukup tinggi di sisi Allah tapi kebanyakan kita tak mahu menziarah dan orang yang sakit tak mahu diziarah.
Mama Afzal,one day insyaAllah we'll meet as I know you are a busy person yourself. Mungkin you can spare your time sharing your experiences rearing your kids. Where are you working btw?
Salam and take care all
Al fatihah...never knowing him personally but insya Allah he is in a good hand.
Assalamualaikum wbth,
Ani : I am but a mere civil servant, working in the Ministry of Housing and Local Government. My office is in Pusat Bandar Damansara. InsyaAllah, I would like to meet you so we can share knowledge together.
To Mama Afzal, Allahyarham Afzal had inspired & touched many2 hearts outhere. His thoughtful blog has, indeed AWAKEN many2 hearts to remember Allah nikmat & how we should be grateful to The Lord . Alhamdulillah. May Allah rewards him with Al-Jannah! Insha Allah...
I have a suggestion regarding his blog. Why don't we transform his blog into thing like written documentary form? Not all the inspired-to-be heart people easily expose to this great yet inspiring blog,mama afzal. We know how the youth in Malaysia right now..they are so poor poor as a muslim. as the saying goes,islam atas nama...I hope, by reading about him, they are awaken.. maybe Afzal is no longer around in this world, but we should never erase away his dakwah. May Allah rewards him countless of pahala for this amal jariah...
Mama Afzal, whwerever you are, Be strong as you also has inspired many many sons & daughters of a person called MAK/MAMA/MUMMY outhere to appreciate their mom better and WILL NEVER TRADE our mom with anything in this world...
Allah melindungi kita. Insha Allah...
-da'ie for Islam-
Assalamualaikum mama afzal..
i'm so touched by reading this blog.my tears keep on dropping while i was read the last thought from arwah afzal.i learned something tonight.never knowing him personally but i knew arwah such a good son to you and also a good friend to others.i keep googling his video in 'you tube' and makes me crying again and again.
i found this memorable blog while having my blogwalking to one of my friends' link.feel sad while knowing that he's no more longer in this world.
mama afzal,u such a wonderful & great mother.i hope that i can make my mummy lives happily while i alive. May ALLAH bless Arwah & Mama Afzal with His love&jannah. Amin...
loves,hanim ~
al-fatihah for arwah..
I wish I can be strong like him & his mother..he wrote it with heart..may Allah give him & his mother jannah..ameen..his quote really true, 'You'll never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have left.'
Al fatihah for arwah
Semoga di cucuri rahmat dpd Nya
Al fatihah.
semoga arwah di cucuri rahmat dpd Nya
masa hidupnya memberi manfaat... matinya juga memberi manfaat...
syahid sudah seorg hamba Allah... yang pasti dirindui selalu..
~saudaranya yang tak pernah bertemu..
Salam Auntie,
Takziah again on Afzal passing...
How are you and the rest of the family coping? I'm not sure whether Jep has returned back to Melbourne. But I pray that he's alright.
It's good to know that you'll be guest writing at Afzal's blog. I'm sure he'd love that.
I wish you and the family all well. Hopefully we get to meet again someday.
Allah ambilbalik hak Dia..kita yang masih hidup hanya dapat berdoa esp.doa ibu ,moga rohnya ditempat orang yang beriman...
Allahuakbar..rupanya dia telah pergi...patutlah tunggu update tak keluar2...rupa2nya sdang bergelut dengan penyakitnya...*speechless now*
Mymom was a breast cancer patient and still in 5 years recovery phase.she has another 1 year to go through before doc declare cancer-free.up to this point she always drink juice made from green apple, carrot, celery and daun jarum tujuh. Maybe you can give a try too, with God's will insyaAllah you'll feel better. During chemotherapy, she drank water boiled with red dates.now her diet consists of drinking homemade juices,vege and fruits,white meat,and food cooked with olive oil.I fought with my prof to do a thesis about diet for surviving cancer patient for her benefit, and alhamdulillah I passed the paper.God speed, mr Afzal.
The diet that wrote above is good for all of us,not only to cancer patients.to mama Afzal,be strong and Allah loves you and your family.godspeed
Mama Afzal, I accidentally stumbled upon Dr. Mas Afzal's blog while I googled for the dua "Rabbi yassir wala tuassir wa tammim bilkhair". And once i started reading the blog I could neither stop reading nor could i stop myself from crying and can't help but to be inspired by your esteemed son, you and the rest of your family. After reading the latter entries from you i can see where your son gets it. You are too an inspirational person and writer.
I pray to Allah swt to grant a place in Jannah to Dr. Mas Afzal and wish all of you well too.
Best regards
Assalamnualaikum... semoga aunty menjadi ibu yang paling tabah dalam dunia kerana kehilangan anak yang begitu baik dan ibu yang paling bertuah di dunia kerana mempunyai anak yang boleh membawamu ke syurga... takziah ana ucapakan...
ana mendapat tahu tentang blog ini melalui kawan ana... dan ana amat terharu membacanya.. izinkan ana quote ayat mas afzal "You'll never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have left." sangat bermakna bagi ana.. terima kasih...
What a profound message of love between a mother and son. Both very special people. Thank you for sharing your love for each other with us.
your words were so firm and full of motivation, even to the very last moment.how i wish to be as strong as u.u inspired me, mas afzal :(
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