Alhamdulillah, by the will of Allah, I was finally reunited with my lovely family on the 11th June 2009. To be able to see the faces whom I know had been praying earnestly especially for the last 6 months for my safe return and good health.
Us with Wan Ipoh (if only Jep could be here too..)
By the time I set foot in Malaysia, I was already looking forward to seeing everyone else in Bentong. They have made their way to Aki's house earlier to prepare for Pakcik's wedding on Saturday. After 5 years missing out on family gatherings, I know that I had to play my part now.
Seeing Paktam and the rest of the family in Bentong was a profoundly emotional moment. I knew these people were just as anxious as Mama and Papa to see me again after everything that has happened. As I entered into Aki's house, I was surprised to see that they had taken the hassle to celebrate my homecoming with a nice, creative little banner.
Nice isn't it? =)
My main role for Pakcik's wedding is to be his bestman, a role I'm obviously not used to and was therefore a challenge I relish taking. Well, I guess I didn't do that bad really, Pakcik and Kak Chik were happy and that's all that matters to me. =)
Menjalankan Ops Memasang Sepanduk malam sebelum kenduri (this was around 1230am)
Berposing sambil menanti ketibaan pengantin =)
Menumpang populariti pengantin =)
Pelamin pengantin
Alhamdulillah, about 700++ people atttended the ceremony
A lot of people have been saying that I look well despite my condition and all the treatments I have undergone, alhamdulillah. It does feel a bit strange that I no longer have to follow my every 2-weeks routine of chemotherapy, and I do feel much stronger nowadays. My hairs are also starting to grow longer now as they are no longer affected by the chemotherapy drugs. =)
The only thing I need to work on now is my level of fitness, which has definitely gone down so much over the past 6 months. I remembered trying to go for a jog just a day before I left UK for Malaysia, only having to stop after just 10 minutes feeling breathless and lightheaded. It is frustrating, but I know that there's no point pushing myself too much only to cause further harm to my heart. I just have to take it one step at a time.
A few days ago, Helen Beadle (the Specialist Nurse) left me a voice message all the way from Sheffield to remind me of the management plan post-chemotherapy. In 4 weeks time, I'll be having what is hopefully my last ever PET scan to assess how well has my body responded to the treatment given. The CT scan result in April was promising and I pray to Allah that it will be even better come this end of July, biiznillah.

As I am reacquainted with long lost friends in Malaysia, I was so surprised to find out how news about myself has spread so fast beyond my expectation. Try as I might to keep things as secret, I know it was just a matter of time before everyone found out. Alhamdulillah, at least I know how blessed I am to have a lot of concerned friends whom endlessly gave their support and prayers. And for that, I can not thank Allah enough for His Mercy.
SubhanAllah. Alhamdulillah. Allahuakbar.
Sri Petaling,
Kuala Lumpur.