Until this point of time, life has always gone by his wishes. What he aspired in life all came true. Growing from a little child into adulthood has been a rewarding experience for him, one filled with joy and happiness. Even though there were bumps along the way, he felt that nothing could stop his march towards achieving great things in life.

He wanted to become a successful doctor, treating people to his best ability so that by the will of Allah, he can save lives, just as how he imagined it to be when he was a child. He dreamt of building his own family and raise beautiful children to bring joys into his life.
But this is when his life took a turn for the worst, as he is afflicted with a test he has never thought could jeopardize all his plans. He might not be able to live up to his dreams of being the best doctor possible. He possibly has to forget his plans of having his own ideal family and his very own beautiful children. The so many great things he aspire in life might just in the end, be dreams.
Oh, how cruel can a twist in life be. A minute you're on top of the world, but by the next blink of the eye, here you are, as low as you can get.
The boy could have easily felt shattered and despise his luck. But before emotions run over him, he is reminded that this is what life is all about.
He knew that he can only make so many plans in life, but the ultimate end is in the hands of His God. Things might just not go by his plan, but he must teach his heart to accept fate. He must tell himself to believe in the wisdom of the things that have been decreed upon him, by his Almighty Creator.

No affliction befalls in the earth, by way of drought [for example], or in yourselves, such as illness, or the loss of a child, but it is in a Book, meaning, the Preserved Tablet (al-lawh al-mahfūz), before We bring it about, [before] We create it — the same is said [to be true] of [God’s] graces — that is indeed easy for God. [57:22]
No matter how hard things can be, the boy knew he must try to swallow it. Bitter it might taste, trials and tribulations are part and parcel of life. He knew that life in this world is only temporary, a transition point, before he embarks on an eternal journey in a different place. A place he hopes to be in, where he knows there will only be joy and happiness therein, with no pains and sufferings. A place where whatever the boy wishes, will come true. A place that boy knows as Jannah, or heaven.
But until that time comes, the boy knows that he has to keep on fighting. Life is indeed a struggle, and what has transpired over the last year or so has taught him a lot about fortitude.
The boy is not going to let the things he experienced over the last week to deter him from BELIEVING. No matter how far the boy falls down, he will get up again. And again. And he will do so until His Creator tells him that it is TIME.
Do remember this boy in your prayers.
Boy, we'll never forget you in our prayers...insyaAllah
yes Boy, as you are one of my inspiration to keep moving in this path that I've chosen. May Allah bless us always..
God knows the destiny for each one of us, and there are things in life that happened we can never explain.
My prayer with u and always.
this is the boy who aspired me so much..
the one who actually makes me who i am now..
Being so far away from the light,
the boy lighten it up, make it easy for me to see the straight path..
how could possibly the best thing a man can do? than to show others the straight path that they should all be in?
i dont know how much i indebted with this boy..
May allah will reward the boy with Jannah for such Divine work the boy has done..
no matter what happen to the boy..
my prayers always be with him..Amin
I am so lucky to know and be friend with this boy!
sometimes i envy this boy because i felt that Allah loves him more and the trials and tribulations are just one of the ways He shows His love..but in the same breath ,I fear that if it is me, will i actually be nearer to Allah or be steered away from Him..and indeed for each person has their own destiny..and may yours be more glorious if not here,in jannah..insyaAllah
'insan'ini akan menjadi sumber inspirasi untuk diri ini mendidik anak menjadi sepertinya Aameen
tabah sungguh dirimu wahai 'insan' yang amat dikagumi.tidak semena-mena air membasahi pipi sehingga tak terungkap kata2 bila kali pertama diri ini dapat berbicara panjang bersamanya...
teruskan semangatmu wahai adikku!!diri ini menjadi 'kuat' bila memandangmu.Subhanallah...hebat sekali ciptaan Rabbul Izzati keatas insan ini...
Allah Always be with You!!
Dear Brother,
Please if you have time, attend the talk by Dr Reda Bedeir at Hallam Uni this wednesday at 6.15. Introduce yourself to him. He has the same personal story as yours. Indeed, he became a man with Quran in his heart and he make dakwah all over the world! I believe you can be as strong as him,Insya Allah.
May Allah give you the best in this dunya and in the darul qarar! Amin Ya Rahman!
Insya Allah, Allah have the best plan for this special boy who endured so much with redha, sabr, tawakkal and syukr! Allahumma yubarik alaihi!Allahumma yasyfihu! Allahummaja'lhi minal muflihun! Amin Ya Rahman!
very inspring..T.T
Thank you everyone for your endless prayers. I hope I can inspire all of us into becoming a closer servant of Him, in every way possible.
And thank you for the suggestion, Insya Allah I am planning to attend Dr Reda's talk this Wednesday if all goes by plan.
May Allah lead us to the straight path.
excuse me, but may i know what's was actually happen to him??
i'm sorry but i'm just curious to know..
by the way, i'l hope that he will be strong in facuing his life..
Adik Mas, May Allah bless u always and strengthen ur iman and our iman... I know it is easier for people to say, u have to sabr, tawaqal,n to face whatever Allah has given u, but I know it is not easy to do that.. We can strive and dua', but the rest is all in Allah hands, because he knows best what is the best for us...I hope this boy will keep on striving without fail.. InsyaAllah this boy will always be in my prayer and my inspirations.. Thank you 4 ur passionate blog..may u keep on writing and updating bro!! Ya Allah, please save this boy..AMEEN!!
Sejuk perut mama mengandungkan Mas Afzal. I am proud to be your mom and we will get through this together, with Allah's guidance. I await your return back into my arms. Take care my saon....mama.
Dear boy, reading every phrase from you has made feel close to you. I admire your courage and your wisdom. May the ALMIGHTY bless you and make every wish of yours come true. I sincerely pray for you to have a speedy recovery cos many out there need you and your services. I'll keep track of your progress and I know I'll meet you one day. Keep up your spirit and we are with you. Take care.
Anakanda ku yang di kasihi,
Betapa ramai insan yg soleh dan disayangi Allah dinaikkan darjat dan nilainya disebabkan ujian yg menimpa. Melihat anakanda yg diuji menjadikan ibu rasa rendah diri & insaf. Mungkin anakanda dilihat oleh sesetengah org sedang dlm ketenatan tetapi sebenarnya anakanda sedang tenggelam dlm rahmat & kasih sayang Allah. Teruskan perjuangan anakanda & jgn sesekali mengaku kalah. Anakanda akan sentiasa berada dlm ingatan & doa ibu.
Saya amat tersentuh membaca entry saudara kali ini, selama ini menjadi silent reader dan kagum dengan semangat saudara hingga hari ini. Semoga Allah berikan kekuatan, rahmat & keampunan kepada saudara Mas Afzal dan kita semua.
Will always pray for that boy.
oh my, i'm so sorry for my previous comment..i didnt read this blog from the beginning~... i am so sorry.. and i hope that u will be strong and i'l pray for you..insyaAllah....
Moga kami sekuatmu. We love you. Allahu Akbar
Ujian yg HEBAT hanya utk org yg HEBAT. Tahniah kerana terpilih dikalangan hambaNya yg HEBAT, Mas! Org beriman tidak pernah kesal atau putus asa atas musibah yg menimpa kerana sudah pasti Rabb sentiasa bersamanya menghadapi ujian yg juga dr Rabbul Jalil.
InshaAllah..InshaAllah..u'll find your way..
Allah bersama org2 yg sabar
My dearest nephew I always pray for your best health, never forget you in my prayers as much I never forget to pray for the best for my late son. Sometimes life is so difficult for some people but there are reason why it is so. Only Allah SWT know the fact. I really wish there will be miracle in the end. You are a very strong person. All of us love you and will never stop doa for your health.
salam alaik bro mas afzal,
sorry i tak sempat nak melawat sheffield,
ana doakan anta disembuhkan sebaik mungkin oleh allah yang sudah tentunya maha penyembuh.
ke arah perjuangan abadi matlamat kita,
sesungguhnya matlamat kita yang haqiqi hanyalah utk akhirat yg kekal abadi.
Salam..I'm so touched by what you're facing..I was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin Lymphoma nearly 6 years ago and went through 6 chemo plus 20 radiotherapy treaments..Recently, my teenage daughter had a lump at the back of her neck and and one more around her shoulder..the doctor wanted to do further tests but I refused to allow that..instead, I took her to a reputable Homeopathy doctor in JB who had actually CURED a friend of mine who had breast cancer..Alhamdulillaah, both lumps in my daughter's neck and shoulder are completely gone. My friend with breast cancer is a 70+ year-old lady on dialysis. She was not qualified for any chemo or radiotherapy treatment and the doctors have given her 6 months..what a prognosis! But Allah does as He wishes..Alhamdulillaah she's CURED after 5 years' treatment on homeopathy alone. I'm not suggesting that you go for homeopathy treatment nor am I promoting it.. Just simply want to reiterate what most of us already know.. there is still hope for a cure. My du'a is with you, son.
Sh Yasmin Al-Idros
akh, inshaallah will be praying for u..Allah knows best and inshaallah whateever happens is the the best for everyone..
My prayer is with you dear...I was there in UK 6 years ago..and I keep on hearing news about you up till now. Be strong...Allah knows best...
Salam Saudara Mas Afzal,
Selamat kembali ke tanah air. Saya amat bersimpati dan kagum dengan semangat yang saudara tunjukkan. Di sini, saya ingin mecadangkan saudara untuk berusaha berubat dengan Tuan Haji Lokman Bin Abdul Rahman, No. 1, Jalan Bestari indah, Villa Bestari, Sg Pusu, Gombak. No. hp: 019-3159377. Saudari Azean Irdawaty pernah berubat dengan Ustaz ini. My doa is with you, Insya Allah.
Hamba Allah
Assalamualaikum wbt
to afzal, u are one blessed young man, I just wish my kids will turn to be like u.. My prayers are with you young man
To afzal's mother, u are sure a very2 extraordinary woman to have brought up a son this special. Tahniah kak, sejuk perut akak mengandungkan anak ini. I m raising four boys, I pray they ll turn to be just like your son., ameen. I pray afzal will get better so that I can keep Reading what he has to say.ameen ya rabbal alameen,
rindu kamu, ya mas afzal...
miss u... T_T
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