Monday, 19 January 2009

The 3rd dose

Assalamualaikum wbt

1. The staff nurse had a bad day in the office. I left the hospital with 5 puncture marks on both my arms. She definitely had difficulties trying to get the cannula into my veins, and I don't blame her. Cannulation isn't the easiest thing in the world, especially when you face someone with difficult veins. Like yours truly.

2. Of the 4 cytotoxic drugs the nurse administered, I didn't like the Dacarbazine. Not only does it take longest to be infused, it gives you a horrendous stinging sensation through the arms. At times I even contemplated telling the nurse to slow the infusion rate down, or dilute the drug with more normal saline.

I can't complain though. How small is the pain I'm going through compared to the massacre taking place in Gaza. May Allah reward those in Palestine who had lost their lives for the cause of the Deen, and bring sakeenah (tranquility) into the hearts of those afflicted with the calamity.

I am not sure how my body will respond to treatment this time around, but I think it will go through the same cycle as before. Let's hope I'll be able to pick myself up sooner insya Allah.

p/s: Looking forward to Jep's second go with the Beef stew. =)


RR said...

Salaam Afzal,

Glad u r fine. InsyaAllah u will recover. Betul like you said, we are so blessed compared to other people like the Palestinians.take care, have gud food and make full use of the remaining time with Jep! hehehe

dr_luv82 said...

My dearest son,

Wish I have as strong a will as'll come in handy to weather bad days at the office..ha,ha..Don't forget to take fresh fruit juices for your vitamins intake. just order from Jep. Take care and keep up your spirit. You are in my prayers you very much, papa n mama.