Monday, 12 January 2009

Short and sweet (both hair and latest entry...)

Assalamualaikum wbt

Thank God I've cut my hair short as a preparation for the inevitable. Or else Jep would have given me the stick for having to frequently clean and hoover the floor of our room.

Don't be deceived by the above statement though. It's not like they are profusely falling out at the moment. Saja exaggerate.

My exam is in 3 days time, and I'm working my socks off to catch up on revision. I hope I can get an isolated room to sit for my exams, as I don't want to risk catching myself an infection that one of the 240 students in my year might have in offer.

Rabbi Yassir wa la tu'assir. Rabbi tamim bil khair.

O Allah, make it easy, and do not make it difficult. O Allah, make it end well.

Countdown: 3 days (so why are u still blogging then?!) =)

1 comment:

azie said...

Assalammualaikum Afzal, I pray and wish that you will sit for your examination without any difficulty. All the best to you and I know you can do it. You are a very bright person and Allah SWT will always be with you, you will pass your examination. Insyaallah.